Wednesday, November 16, 2016


You are hired by Baruch College to use new media to improve the College. What are some suggestions you would make using new media?

My advice for Baruch College is to offer courses that would include Twitter in their syllabus. Like the article we read, "New lesson plan: Temple professor invites students to tweet during class," by Emma Jacobs, Twitter was used in Jordan Shapiro class. This can help big lecture classes and students that are shy to tweet out their question or comment. If a student can not make it to a professor's office hours they can tweet them their concern or direct message them also. 
Another way Baruch can improve by using new media is clubs and different social networks during club hours. Clubs such as people that play the same MMORPGs. People that play the same video games can connect and socialize with each other. Students can connect with each other on a platform that can improve less shyness and more engagement in school's events and activities.

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