Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Privacy and Confidentiality

New media is a great way to connect and share with people in the internet, but there are consequences when it's posted. When posting anything to any social network platform, one should consider their privacy and confidentiality. Revealing any personal information and posting it on the internet can backfire on a person. There were YouTuber's that posted video's of how much they hated on their current jobs and when their company found out about the videos, they were fired. It is always best to double check the privacy settings and be aware of what is being posted on the internet.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Andy,
    Your post reminded me of another instance of when someone called off work and used their sick day to go to the beach instead. The person made the mistake of posting a selfie of them tanning and somehow, their boss saw the picture and the person was fired. Essentially, the lack of privacy on the Internet is something to be concerned about, and I defitely agree that it is important to double check privacy settings.
